Member Services

PAF exercises leadership, provides a strong, continuing voice and vision to enhance professional standards, promotes continuing education, and encourages a high order of ethical and professional attainment within the paralegal profession.

  • Seminars and continuing legal opportunities offered via the state organization and our chapter.
  • Networking with members across the state.
  • Scholarships for professional development.
  • Professional recognition with opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  • Updates on rules, regulations, and other factors affecting the profession.
  • Opportunities to participate in the development of the profession.
  • Job bank offered by our chapter.
  • Study groups for the CP/CLA examination.

Student Scholarship Program

The Chapter is fortunate to assist the State College of Florida (SCF) and Keiser University (Keiser) with its legal assisting and paralegal studies programs. Members are frequent lecturers and instructors within the programs. In addition, several Chapter members sit on the Academic Advisory Board. Students participating in the SCF legal assisting program and Keiser’s paralegal studies program are eligible for the yearly scholarship(s) offered by the Suncoast Chapter.

Applications are accepted year round.  Applications received before the July 31 deadline will be processed for the current year.  Any applications received after July 31, will be processed for the following year. If you are a student enrolled in the paralegal program at State College of Florida, or Keiser University, and would like to apply for our yearly scholarship, please complete the Student Application and Scholarship Application and submit them to Amy Schaffer.

Professional Development Scholarships

The Suncoast Education/ Scholarship Committee may award annual Chapter Professional Development Scholarships to qualified applicants for the specific purpose of encouraging Chapter members to attain the CP, ACP or CFLA designation and to participate in CLE seminars, BBPA, PAF, and NALA seminars and annual meeting events.

Examination Scholarships are reimbursement scholarships for members or student members who successfully pass the selected exam. Recipient’s presentation of proof of completion of the exam must accompany the application, along with a 300-word essay. This scholarship also covers the cost of our yearly renewal dues, NALA’s dues or FRP dues.  These applications are also accepted year round.   Applications received before the July 31 deadline will be processed for the current year.  Any applications received after July 31, will be processed for the following year.  Please send your completed application or any questions to Amy Schaffer.

Student Application

Scholarship Application

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